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Um blog que trata de assuntos aeronáuticos, mas principalmente das atividades desenvolvidas no programa espacial, Americano(NASA), Europeu (ESA), Japonês(JAXA), Russo (Roscosmos) e o chinês. Além claro do Programa espacial Brasileiro!
Petição Pública, ajude a salvar o Programa Espacial Brasileiro(PEB)
Se você é realmente brasileiro, ama seu país, acredita no PEB e na sua estratégica necessidade para o futuro de nossa sociedade, exerça a sua cidadania e junte-se a nós nessa luta de levarmos finalmente o Brasil a fazer parte desse fechadíssimo Clube Espacial dos países que dominam o ciclo completo de acesso ao espaço.
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The main issues were: the lack of skilled labor that affects the industry as well as replacing those who are about to retire, insufficient budget and the need for the space program to become, in fact, a state program. The AEB president presented a graph that shows a continuing decline in the number of workers. According to Raupp, today the country has a workforce of approximately 3,000 employees, while space programs such as India, Europe and the United States have respectively 16 thousand, 28 thousand and 70 thousand professionals.According to the president of SindCT, the situation may get even worse. “Unattractive salaries, lack of public tenders for the renewal of the framework, discontinuation of actions generate motivation and low self-esteem among professionals and are the causes of this deficit,” said Fernando Moraes. He said if nothing is changed, the PEB is at risk, since half of those currently working are about to retire. The director general of DCTA, Ailton Pohlmann, said that by 2020, all professionals who today work in the PEB, will be out of the Brazilian Space Program.The program budget, another issue listed was explained by the director of INPE in a chart showing the resources allocated to the PEB since 1980. During 13 years (1990-2003), the contingencies were low for the space, which he said gave delays of projects and actions. Only in 2003, Lula’s government, there was a return on investment. The amount, however, is insufficient. Gilberto Camara said that Brazil invests currently about $ 200 million in its program, while countries like India, China and Russia invest at least four times.
The idea is that large companies participate in the process classified as integrators, who would be responsible for the project contracted by the government and could subcontract smaller companies to manufacture components and parts.According to the President of AEB, we must better articulate the various members of the system, which is the agency itself, such as planning and coordinating agency, the executing agencies (National Institute for Space Research – INPE and the Aerospace Technical Center – CTA) and contractors for the development of space programs or subsystems of launch vehicles.To improve the performance of the executors of PNAE and, consequently, catch up that Brazil suffers in this area, Raupp stressed the need to stimulate the development of industry for the production of space components, due to the high value-added products based on these embedded technology. “The development of the industry with innovation, competitive, is one of the objectives of the policy [space],” he said.The emphasis on private sector participation does not imply, however, privatization of the space agency or CTA, Raupp guaranteed. The MCT and AEB will propose expanding the role of private companies in PNAE in building satellites and in providing services. According to Raupp, this measure will solve, in large part, the question of allocation of human resources for the program to the extent that the private sector will be responsible for hiring people to operate the space systems or develop new systems.